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  • Writer's pictureKelly Hines

Eco-Friendly Travel Products - Recommendations

We polled our members on their favorite, eco friendly travel products. Below are their recommendations and a small quote from the recommendee... Happy Travels!

Our first contenders are...


Empty Peanut Butter Jars & Tupperware

"Peanut butter jars are the perfect lightweight option for travel and backpacking. Since they're clear, they're great for holding small things that get lost like small toiletries and hair ties"

-Rachel Carr, Jill Parker


Bar shampoo & conditioner

Brand we recommend: LUSH and Dr. Bronners

"These are great for traveling when you have to fly, you don't have to worry about a liquid limit with them"

-Robyn McNaughton


Solar Power Bank -

"This is perfect for charging your phone on the go" Whether you're studying abroad, or hitting the backcountry for a few days we always feel safest with a full battery.

-Casey Coyne


Toothpaste Tablets

"I like the brand LUSH, I usually split them in half because they're super strong and then the container lasts longer as well" -Marigrace Moses


Wool Socks

We recommend brands like Darn Tough and Fox River brands

Wool socks are less likely to get stinky, less likely to cause blisters, and keep your feet warm even while they're wet. We highly recommend a socks + sandals combo as well.

"A good sock is never wasted." -Claire Roberts & Kelly Hines


Menstrual Cups

-The perfect alternative for traveling abroad and for everyday life. This is a waste free feminine product, and a great alternative for living in areas where normal feminine products may not be available.


Filtering Water Bottles

"A filtering water bottle is a real game changer when you're traveling abroad. I usually go for a larger system when I'm in the backcountry, but a handheld option is great for frequent personal use."

-Kelly Hines

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